Wednesday, August 03, 2011

My 2011 wedding from 1986

Slightly need to vent. This wedding planning hasn't been easy. 
Organising a wedding in Switzerland, from Germany, in German language isn't, in a word, easy. Normally, the slightest details would be easy, especially for me who loves to organise events and fuss over details… but not when I have to get my fiance to organise every detail I want. If I can't communicate with them in German, he has to do it. Weddings also are of a different type, they still like to have roses on their wedding invites (like a grandma's birthday card) and the hair-do's you can find here are all the rage and people are amazed that I'm not wearing elbow length gloves. 
This wedding in the biggest understatement has been exceptionally trying & frustrating. Not saying everyone else doesn't have these issues at their wedding - but come on, we only have 9 guests attending - it shouldn't have been this hard! 

And lets not forget, when in Germany, you must do as the Germans do - their way or really… they'll find a way to still do it their way. Do you know how many arguments we have had with suit store shop assistants when we say "we would like to purchase a grey suit for the wedding for my fiance" they proceed to demandingly tell us "This MUST not happen, he must be in a black suit for a wedding". They even go and pull out all the non-grey suits they can find to prove a point… not understanding the point they are trying to proove I ask "why it 'must' be that way?", they just tell me "because it MUST not happen"…. - all in german of course so sounding way more harsh. Yay, another one for german 'quality' customer service. (Don't get me started on asking for a blue shirt instead of white.....).

Truthfully, there has so been many compromises because it was the 'best of the bad bunch' when trying to source things here that aren't looking like they are stuck in 1986. Hopefully things will come together on the day less disjointed.

Below is a picture of the variety of wedding shoes you can purchase here. This is not just what it was like in one shop, it is what it is like in every shop. Thank you again, 1986 fashion for remaining in Germany.
To quote an old work colleague friend who took this picture: "it's like...would you like the fugly pointy witch one, or the fugly long leprechaun one, or the frumpy nurse one..?!?! it's like, ugly, ugly, really ugly, super ugly, or extremely ugly. Decisions, decision, decisions..."

1 comment:

  1. Claire, get on line & order some shoes from Australia! Very exciting news about the wedding. Hope you're going well. Tash


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