Sunday, August 28, 2011


Part 1 written on the 25th of June but I forgot to post!

I don't care what anyone says, there are more bugs here than anywhere I've lived. Daily, I'm peeling dead or alive ones off my face as I walk down the street for only 10 mins. There seems to be billions of the tiny flying bugs that get into everything. In Vancouver, you can find similar swarms of these bugs when you wander through a patch in the west end or kits or more suburban streets, but here, they don't discriminate on area, don't swarm in bunches that you can quickly run through and be gone. They are everywhere, fly up your nose, into your eyes and stick to your lips if you choose to wear lip balm (shudder).
To my stupidity (well, i am used to having screens on my windows), we had the lights turned on at night (gasp!) and had windows open for air…. 1 hour later, we had to shut all the windows and vacuum the walls and roof for the millions of bugs that had entered our house and coated our house in a thin grey sheen of bug.

Part 2
Its time for a BUG update on the above… the PLAGUE of wasps and mosquitos has fallen on Germany. I thought the widgets were bad, but I'll happily take them back as an annoyance rather than things that bite and sting you! Whilst my family was visiting for the wedding both my mother and sister got stung by wasps… and then the mosquitos started to feast on me. For my wedding I had giant welts up my legs, arms and neck and with a heat wave that had set in, they were INSANELY itchy (I even got the photographer to take some shots as evidence -see below). But the heat wave and mosquito wave didn't stop and they have feasted so badly on my legs and feet I can't even walk (I have golf balls all over them!), I've been locked to a bowl of ice water on my feet for days now... (see last pic).... oh woe.... 

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