Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Fiddling with photos

So its been a while since my last blog (ok apart from the fact that I've just added the German pre-wedding party photos and the Prague 30th birthday trip editions just before this blog). We have moved from Heidelberg to Neustadt an der Weinstrasse in the last 2 months, and honestly, its been kind of hard to write about anything in a positive light. I've mainly had my head down studying, gaining a little too much of agoraphobia & teutophobia and counting down the days till our departure to the Philippines for our honeymoon, and then onto Brisbane for our next move in life.
A saving grace has been a super fun wedding present from my wonderful bestest lady friends from Australia. We got a new fancy DSLR camera that I've always wanted to document all our new adventures together in married life. Below are pictures of mucking around with the camera at home (and I never said we were professionals!). Thanks again you fab friends!

Turning 30 in Prague

I just hit the big 30 milestone, and to celebrate, the hubby took me to Prague. I was there 6 years ago and boy it has changed so dramatically since then. Below are some pictures of what we though twas one of our best trips we've had since living in Germany.

Pre-wedding party for Neustadt crew

Before our wedding, we had a pre-wedding party for the Germans that my in-laws kindly threw for the hubby's friends, family and locals in the town to come by and celebrate. We had about 75 people show up and enjoy the evening. Below are some of the pics. Thanks to my family and two great friends for coming a LONG way to represent my side.